(adapted from a Cryonet posting by Steven B. Harris, M.D.)

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  In the morning,
your brain's hormonally controlled desire for carbohydrates is high.
Since your body "counts" calories, a big breakfast makes it easier to
pass up high-fat calories later.  In addition, calories consumed in
the morning are burned during the day rather than converted to fat
during sleep.

Many people don't eat breakfast.  Other, breakfast eating people may
want healthy variety.  A tasty and nutritious health shake may fit
the bill.

Dr. Harris's health shake is based on soy protein, high carbohydrate
from small sugar polymers, and a nutritionally appropriate amount
of fat.

Soy protein has a number of advantages over meat and milk or egg
protein, including low methionine for low homocysteine production
(stay away from soy protein products with added methionine) and low
lysine for low insulin levels.  Soy products contain substances that
inhibit cancer and lower cholesterol levels, as reflected by the
diet and disease profiles of millions of Asians.  Soy protein can be
obtained in powder form or from soy milk.  When purchasing soy milk,
get the non-fat version with 6 to 7 grams of soy protein per cup.

Most carbohydrate in Dr. Harris's shake is from nearly tasteless,
small sugar polymers, which are less complex than hard-to-dissolve
starch but digested more slowly than simple sugars, raising insulin
less.  The small sugar polymer derived from corn is maltodextrin.
Any body building product that is 100% carbohydrate, but contains no
sugar, is maltodextrin.

The remainder of the carbohydrate in Dr. Harris's shake comes from a
banana, which also provides flavor, fiber, and potassium.

Fat should be added to stave off fat-hunger.  Whereas polyunsaturated
omega-6 fats apparently increase cancer rates, and saturated fats and
trans-fats (such as from hydrogenated oils) raise cholesterol levels,
monounsaturate residue triglycerides lower cholesterol without causing
cancer.  The best sources are hazel nut oil, avocado oil, extra virgin
olive oil, unhydrogenated canola oil, macadamia nut oil, and almond
oil.  Harris's recommendation for flavor is almond oil.

The recipe is as follows:

1/2 c. maltodextrin
1/4 c. soy protein (no added methionine)
1 c. soy milk (6-7 grams protein, no fat)
1 tablespoon almond oil
5 drops vanilla extract
2 large ice cubes (distilled water)
1 banana

Blend on "low" for one minute and drink.  For other flavors, try
adding chocolate syrup or frozen strawberries.